Thursday, December 2, 2010


Dogs are such playful animals, which is the reason they are called ‘Man’s Bestfriend’. So, if you are interested with dogs, well, this article is for you.

Some people don’t like dogs with it’s appearance, but, if you find out what you really like about dogs, then, it is it’s hair, Mostly dogs are short-haired like a Doberman Pinscher and some long-haired like the Chitzu. To maintain it’s beautiful hair, you must groom it everyday, to have a beautiful,shiny hair. Another appearance is the face, Most of the dogs, have long faces but the one breed that doesn’t have this, it’s the Pug. Almost 50% of the world is scared with dogs, because of their wild behavior, well it’s wrong. Dogs become wild when owners don’t give their attention with their pets, so it comes out naughty and wild but if treat it like the most important thing in the world then it will come out behaved and gentle. Also people are frightened with their sizes, because large dogs can jump on tables, eat their food on the table, and it has the strength to destroy almost everything in the house. The good thing about large dogs, is that it can be trained to guard your house from sneaky strangers, and these dogs should not be inside your home. The small dogs are the ones should be in your house, it’s not scary and big, but it provides you happiness. It’s like your newest brother or sister.The problem is, you must clean and groom these dogs everyday to avoid parasites crawling on you. Dogs are God’s Creation too like us and we must respect them. Care for them and especially love them like your most loved ones.

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