Thursday, December 2, 2010

I am a Nature lover!

E - Environment are things around us which we are destroying. It is important to maintain life around because we are the ones suffering for it. It includes ( below )

A - Atmosphere or Air is what we breathe. In cities, now we usually breathe polluted air because we lack out of tress that are cutted down to make buildings and such. We must plant more trees as many as we can to breathe fresh air.

R - Reproduction of plants and animals are now decreasing. Why? Because we overuse too much our natural resources ( their homes). If we need it badly, let’s replace it so the animals will have homes.

T - Trees, one of our most used natural source. It is also one of the most abused resource. Trees are very important because it gives out fresh air for us to breathe, provides shelter for animals and it also stops flood. Let’s plant trees for us and for animals.

HHeroic acts like these ( above) will really make huge changes in the nature which is a very good thing to happen. Nature is the one will save us not us to save them. And you as a person in your own little ways, you can make a change in our environment.

Be Green!

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