Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Noise Pollution

A different kind of pollution other than water, air and land pollution. The problem is NOISES!
Noise pollution is a pollution of annoying sounds such as car beeps,screaming people and other unnecessary sounds. The ways to stop this polluting is quite hard for hard-headed people who disobeys orders. It may also harm like the other pollutions..It can damage not only hearing senses but it can also raise your blood pressures to dangerous and risky levels.

How can you sleep in the afternoon and night if some disturbing sounds keep entering your hear. It can be very outrageous that you're so tired and you can't sleep in peace. You can report it to the leaders of your city but still they won't be successful. Never be hopeless, there are always ways to do to stop this.

Some ways are:

-Don't use horns in quiet places like the church and campuses.
-When something is wrong in a vehicle, repair it immediately so it won't produce disturbing sounds.
-Turn off unused vehicles so it won't make humming sounds and also it reduces air pollution.
-Stop using large motorbikes, it causes very loud sounds when used on the road.
-When some people are loud in your neighborhood, talk to them and tell them to lower the sounds.

I've given some few ways already so I hope it can be useful to stop noise pollution.
Also, be aware of using Ipods in a higher volume every time you play it, it can cause damages to your hearing.

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