Monday, December 6, 2010

White Christmas

In my country, Philippines, we don't have a season of snow. And I'm desperate to experience just once

White Christmas is the snowy weather in the Christmas season. It's an additional happiness-giver other than the gifts and the reunion with our family. I imagine how fun it is to have snow in Christmas to play and have fun with. Snow activities like snowball fight. snow sledding, ice skating, snowboarding and other snow activities.
Wouldn't it be nice when you wake up in the morning when you look out the window you only see white land.
If I am that person, I would run out the house and play without eating breakfast. Even if my mom screams to come inside, I would still play and enjoy the wonder of snow.

I just really wish my country has snow in the Christmas season. We only have cold air, but it's fine to me because we often have sunny and hot weather.And maybe someday, I could experience the fun of snow in Christmas with my family and friends.

Merry White Christmas!

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